Our Story

Make learning and teaching reachable for everyone


Jacky learn came from an Idea that everyone can interact online, everyone have their hobbies and expertise and everyone can profit from it.

We have a lot to learn from so many people and they get to earn money from it so they could continue to do so.

Mission & Vision

To give everyone – from all ages in all levels to share their knowledge and to profit from it.

Things that make us proud

Peoples giving us their trust and by that becoming entrepreneurs

Our Team

Jacky Toledo

VP Marketing

Nickname: Jully

Quote: “Do something good for someone every day and you’ll see it comes back to you”

Zak Brian

Course Builder Manager

Nickname: Zak

Quote: “Every moment is a spacial one, it will never be the same again – enjoy it!”

Elena Warnky

Costumers Manager

Nickname: Ela

Quote: “always look on the bright side on life… I just love this song !!!”

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