Accessibility statement

JACKYLEARN is committed to even digital accessibility with diverse can. In this statement, we describe the steps we are taking as a company to build a better visual collaboration product. Our work to improve the user experience continues, and we strive to maintain a standard of accessibility and to improve as necessary.

Accessibility initiatives

JACKYLEARN has a dedicated team working on initiatives to improve the accessibility of our product features and content:

Assign accessibility goals that are as clear as possible.
Consult and research accessibility rules and accessibility tools that meet the standard.
Accessible experiences and accessible user interface elements through a design system.
Accessibility training for new employees.
Adaptation for the  Web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG)2.0 – a website accessible according to the service accessibility regulations is a website where adaptations were made according to Israeli standard 5568.

We work hard to find and keep developing to find the best tools

For any inquiries regarding accessibility, contact

Accessibility Manager, Mr. Zach Bryan

[email protected]

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