
1. All Video’s and Content are of users and  are their private materials. JackyLearn will not take responsibility over stolen materials and rights. 

*** If a user or anyone find a stolen material in our website it will be checked and deleted as fast as possible. please contact us by email: [email protected].

*  If a Course owner will violate all written in this document, Jackylearn have legal rights to use against this offences. more over in violations of  Terms and Conditions, Jackylearn is not obliged to return the money to to the course owners.



1. Jackylearn will consider to give refund by case demented (ex. regrets or perches by mistake) 

2. If a user is not satisfied from a course materials purchased no redound will be given – Jacky wont hold responsibility over courses satisfaction.

3. All courses content and materials are Jackylearn property and it is forbidden to copy or duplicate.


Course & Video’s Owners (Writers)


1. Fill up the review course form to have your course in Jacky.

*Jacky learn will review the course subject and materials that are suit before upload.

2. Course design will be determined by Jackylearn

3. Changes of structure after a course is uploaded will be discussed  individually by case.

4. Period of time Jack learn will upload a course is usually up to 14 working days from approval (after review). in case of holidays or high volume of costumers it can take longer.


1. Jacky learn fees are 30% of each user buying a course.

2. Transfer will be made by PayPall on monthly basis with minimum amount of 50$ for transaction (only if there were course purchases) Jacky learn will transfer the courses fees to the course owners (reduces by Jacky learn fees and transaction fees).

3. all fee’s (transactions, tax etc.) will be reduced from the course owner.

* payments from Jacky to course owners – Bank transaction fees will be payed by the course owner only.


1. After a user finish to make the order, Jacky will create your room (usually takes up to 7 days).

2. See “Violation” above. Jackylearn will review Rooms topics and will audit existing Rooms. If a legal issue will rise, Jacky has the right to close the room without refund.

3. Any content, Images, Files, Video’s etc. an Admin or a Room user upload, the Room admin will be hold responsible if legal issue will come.


1. All Content, Comments or any interaction (from course owners or Users) in which will consider to be unapropriate will be consider as violation of this Terms and Conditions

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Terms and Conditions, please contact us by email: [email protected].

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